Send us a report & photos so we can share with the world!
We’ll send you a link to stream The Village of Lovers and a Community Screening Guide to help you produce a successful event & hold an integration council after the screening.
Submit your payment and we will send you the appropriate Community Screening License within 48 hours.
You hold your event in your community.
license $100 USD
Each license option depends on the size of your group. All proceeds go towards supporting the ongoing tour.
For example: you’re renting a larger theatre in your town, or you’re screening at a larger organizational or affinity group event. You’re welcome to charge for ticket sales and keep all proceeds.
For example: a group of your close friends in your living room. Everyone chips in to cover the cost of the license.
For example: a community center or small theatre in your town. Or you’re screening the film for your small organization or affinity group. You’re welcome to charge for ticket sales and keep all proceeds.
apply to host a screening
Please note that we strive to respond to emails within 48 hours of submission. Its best to apply for your screening at least a week in advance of your event to ensure you are able to get everything you need in time.
Reach out if you have further questions