“The film helped me with a clear clue about my role in this web of change…”

What others are saying Ab0ut the Film:

"Watched last night, moved me so deep. that huge sweep of grief-relief that comes when a new door is swung wide. i had to just stop the film and at many moments.... thanks for knowing we neeeeeeed this and giving yourself over to bring it all the way thru. i see the faith in action, it impacts me."

What others are saying Ab0ut the Film:

“It was gorgeous! And utterly flooded my being with longing., what a tender film, and beautiful stand for life.”

What others are saying Ab0ut the Film:

“I cried my way through the whole thing. Wow. It’s all happening. We really are freeing ourselves from fear. Bowing to all that went into this film.”

What others are saying Ab0ut the Film:

“I am inspired... There is so much relief in my body in seeing and witnessing what Tamera has created and simultaneously there is immense longing for more folks who are willing to maturely step into the alchemical fires of relationship at this level-- in order to serve this greater collective vision.”

What others are saying Ab0ut the Film: